The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts

Aug 6, 2018 @ 12:11 PM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Women undergo breast augmentation at our Decatur, IL practice for several different reasons. Here, our team at The Center for Cosmetic Medicine discusses breast augmentation for tubular breasts, a condition characterized by a narrow or constricted shape.

Although tubular breasts do not threaten overall health in any way, many women who have them are self-conscious about their appearance. At our practice, we design a personalized breast augmentation treatment plan for every patient to reflect the unique goals of the individual.

Causes of Tubular Breasts

Also referred to as tuberous breasts, tubular breasts do not become evident until puberty. While an exact cause is unknown, many experts believe the abnormality is the result of something that happens in the womb.

Typically, women with the condition fail to develop sufficient breast tissue during puberty. In addition, the circle of tissue connecting the areola to the breast is misshapen or enlarged, resulting in a droopy appearance.

Who Is a Candidate for Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts?

Women who desire fuller, perkier, more natural-looking breasts are excellent candidates for breast augmentation for tubular breasts. General eligibility requirements include women who:

Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts

In many instances, breast augmentation for tubular breasts may require two surgical visits. During the first surgery, performed under general anesthesia, your doctor will release the constricted breast tissue.

To achieve this, a small incision is made, and a tissue expander is placed. This will create more room in the breast pocket for the implants later on. In most cases, patients who undergo this procedure will stay overnight in the hospital and will then go home to recuperate for about one week.

When sufficient healing has taken place, you will be scheduled for phase two of your treatment. During this visit, your surgeon will make an incision, remove the tissue expander, and replace it with a breast implant, customized to you own personal cosmetic goals.

It is important to note that breast augmentation for tubular breasts will be significantly different for each individual, as every woman will have varying degrees of asymmetry and severity.

In some cases, women may be able to undergo the procedure in one surgical visit as opposed to two. During an initial consultation at our practice, we can give you a basic idea of what your treatment timeline would look like.

Healing and Recovery

After undergoing breast augmentation of any kind, you will be asked to abstain from certain activities, such as cardiovascular exercise. Women should also steer clear of anything that could lead to infection, including soaking in hot tubs or sitting in saunas.

Following any surgery, some degree of discomfort is normal, although this can usually be managed with prescription medicine and over-the-counter pain relievers. Bruising and swelling are also typical side effects of cosmetic surgery. These symptoms should diminish after the first three to four weeks.

You will be provided with a detailed list of post-operative instructions. Closely following these guidelines will help you have a comfortable and successful recovery.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you are seeking treatment for tubular breasts, consider breast augmentation at our practice. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Stuart Baker, contact us online or give us a call.