The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

The Tumescent Liposuction Technique

Jan 27, 2014 @ 10:56 AM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Body contouring procedures can produce fantastic and satisfying results, but like any plastic surgery treatment, numerous questions should be considered beforehand: Is this surgery safe? What are the possible side effects? How can the procedure be improved? Thankfully, these and other concerns can be addressed by Decatur cosmetic surgeon Stuart Baker; with his extensive experience and credentials, you can rest assured that every procedure will yield the best results possible.

One particular technique offered by our clinic that can enhance the quality of your procedure is tumescent liposuction. With the use of a tumescent solution, liposuction surgery and its subsequent recovery can be made easier. If you are considering liposuction in any area of your body, here’s what you should know about the tumescent technique. 

What Is Tumescent Liposuction?

In a traditional liposuction procedure, a thin tube (called a cannula) is inserted into the area of excess fat. The cannula is then used to break fatty tissue apart and remove it. Once unwanted fat has been removed, remaining tissue is contoured for a smooth, natural appearance.

While this basic liposuction procedure is still used with great success, it often benefits from the use of a tumescent solution. This solution comprises a combination of local anesthesia and epinephrine, which is injected subcutaneously into the area of fat. In addition to numbing the area, it also causes tissue to expand and become firm, providing numerous advantages both during and after liposuction.  

Benefits of Tumescent Liposuction

With the tumescent technique, surgeons can achieve more consistent results, and patients can enjoy an easier overall experience. Common reasons for including a tumescent solution include:

Additionally, tumescent solutions also allow other liposuction techniques to be performed safely and effectively, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction and SmartLipo.

Tumescent Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure, usually lasting between one and two hours. Once the treatment is ready to begin, you can expect surgery to proceed in the following manner:

After surgery, you may be given an elastic compression garment to wear around the site of liposuction. This will promote healing, reduce side effects, and help prevent any skin irregularities. Even though recovery is made easier through tumescent injection, it’s still important to rest and follow the doctor’s post-operative instructions. If any signs of infection are present, such as prolonged side effects or fever, contact your doctor.

Schedule an Appointment With Us

All of our cosmetic treatments are designed to give you the highest level of care and safety, while delivering stunning results. For a more accurate explanation of how tumescent liposuction or another procedure can help you, come in for a consultation with Dr. Baker. Contact our office today!