The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Sculpt Your Arms with Liposuction

May 14, 2020 @ 11:19 AM — by Stuart Baker
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Are you frustrated with stubborn pockets of fat? Dr. Stuart Baker uses advanced liposuction techniques to sculpt specific areas of your body, including the arms. In addition to offering traditional liposuction, Dr. Baker is also one of a small group of physicians certified to perform injection lipolysis. 

Many of our Monticello, IL, patients seek liposuction to cosmetically treat their upper arms and the areas behind their armpit. Excess fat behind the upper arms can protrude over a bra strap, creating so-called “bra rolls.” Liposuction allows Dr. Stuart Baker to remove fat deposits from your upper arm and the area behind your armpit.

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction for the Arms?

If you have struggled to lose fat deposits along your upper arm even after diet and exercise, you may qualify for liposuction. However, your candidacy must be established during your consultation with Dr. Baker in Monticello, IL, before any treatment can begin. 

In order to qualify for liposuction, you must be in good overall health. During your visit, Dr. Baker will closely examine fat deposits along your upper arm. Additionally, anyone who undergoes liposuction should understand that cosmetic surgery is not a replacement for exercise and a healthy diet. The best results are gained when our patients commit to a healthy lifestyle.     

However, liposuction is not a perfect fit for every patient. For example, it is not a suitable treatment for fat deposits along the forearms. Alternatively, if you have very loose skin, you may need to combine liposuction with another surgical treatment to enjoy ideal results. 

Available Treatment Options

To sculpt your arms, Dr. Baker will either use traditional liposuction or injection lipolysis.

Traditional Liposuction

Liposuction uses a thin tube that is inserted through a very small incision. The device liquefies fat and removes it via suction. As the device is carefully moved back and forth, it removes fat deposits. Recovery from liposuction requires minimal downtime. 

Avoid using your arms to lift heavy objects until Dr. Baker advises that it is safe to do so. As with any surgical procedure performed at our Monticello, IL, office, you should follow your recovery guidelines closely to avoid unwanted side effects or complications.     

Injection Lipolysis

Dr. Baker is one of a small group of physicians who is certified to use injection lipolysis. This non-surgical treatment is designed to melt away fat and cellulite, rather than remove it immediately. Once the treatment site has been numbed, Dr. Baker will inject a chemical compound directly into the pockets of stubborn fat. This compound can initiate a metabolic process that eliminates fat in the same manner that diet and exercise does, but on an accelerated schedule. 

Injection lipolysis is typically performed two to four times at intervals of six to eight weeks. The treatment is safe and effective. Thousands of treatments have been performed with no serious complications. However, patients should anticipate minor side effects like swelling and muscle aches.

Schedule Your Liposuction for the Arms Today

Flabby or fatty arms can be a source of embarrassment. To enjoy the benefits of sculpted and well-defined arms, Dr. Baker can customize a liposuction treatment plan that removes targeted pockets of fat or cellulite.

To schedule your liposuction treatment, please contact our office online or call (217) 378-8000.