The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Recovery from Laser Skin Resurfacing: What Patients Should Know

Jul 14, 2017 @ 03:00 PM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Laser Skin Resurfacing Recovery

Even though facial plastic surgery can work wonders for people, more and more of our Decatur patients are turning to non-surgical treatments such as laser skin resurfacing. Laser skin surfacing reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles by removing the topmost layer of skin and promoting the growth of collagen in the deeper layers of your skin. In essence, it removes the blemished and imperfect skin while helping create softer and smoother skin in the process.

Since surgery is not involved, the is no scarring or incisions. That said, there is some downtime to consider as part of the recovery process. Let's cover some of the basics of the recovery process below.

Time Off Work After Laser Skin Resurfacing

The amount of time taken off from work depending on the nature of the laser skin resurfacing procedure, the type of laser used, the part of the face treated, and how involved it was. For minor laser skin resurfacing, the downtime may be as little as a few days, though most laser skin resurfacing treatments may require a week or two off from work for proper recovery.

During the consultation process, we can discuss how much time to take off from work, as well as when patients can return to wearing makeup and other related concerns. These instructions really need to be tailored to the patient given the variables involved.

Side Effects After Time Off Work After Laser Skin Resurfacing

Common side effects of laser skin resurfacing include the following:

These side effects tend to last a few days, and thankfully there are many ways that they can be dealt with.

Tips for Dealing with Side Effects

It's important that laser skin resurfacing patients rinse their face with cool water a few times a day as directed by their surgeons. This helps keep the skin clean and prevents infections from occurring. Any ointment or dressings in place should be reapplied or changed as directed to address discomfort and reduce infection risk.

Patients should avoid direct sun exposure as this can have an adverse effect on recovery as well as the overall results of treatment. To address discomfort, pain relievers and cold compresses can be used as needed.

Attend Follow-Up Visits as Scheduled

As with any cosmetic treatment, patients can expect to undergo a few follow-up visits with their doctor. These check-ups will help ensure proper healing and that good results are being achieved. Should any issues arise during the first days or weeks after laser skin resurfacing, patients should contact their doctor as soon as possible for the matter to be dealt with.

The Results of Laser Skin Resurfacing

The overall results of laser skin resurfacing can be dramatic, allowing patients to look years younger and far more refreshed. Some residual redness or pinkness may last for a few weeks after the initial recovery period, but this can be concealed with an approved makeup and will fade with time.

Learn More About Laser Skin Resurfacing

For more information about laser skin resurfacing and how it can benefit you, contact our plastic surgery can cosmetic skin care practice today. We at The Center For Cosmetic Medicine™ look forward to your visit and discussing all of your treatment options.