The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Taking Time Off After Plastic Surgery: Patient Guidelines

Jan 13, 2017 @ 03:00 PM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

Whenever you undergo a plastic surgery procedure, whether it involves body contouring and sculpting surgery or facial plastic surgery, it's important that you follow post-op instructions closely. By following your surgeon's instructions, you can avoid serious complications and major side effects.

One of the most important things that patients should do after their procedure is take time off from work. We get many questions about how much time is required off and what should be considered upon returning to one's job. Let's take a moment to consider the basics.

Your Focus Should Be on Rest and Recovery

After you have undergone a plastic surgery procedure, it's important that you make rest and recovery your main priority. Resting after surgery is crucial for managing pain, swelling, bruising, and other side effects that are common following a surgical procedure. In addition, proper rest prevents complications from arising that can impact your immediate health or the long-term results of surgery.

AS you can imagine, getting proper rest means taking the right amount of time off from your job. Even if you work in a simple office setting, time off is crucial for wellness.

Time Off Work Depends on the Type of Surgery

The overall amount of time a person should take off from work after surgery can very depending on the procedure that's performed. Below are some general guidelines.

Keep in mind that these are not set in stone, and that your plastic surgeon will provide you with individualized guidelines for time off of work based on your procedure.

Easing Into Normal Working Duties

Even though you may return to work in just a week or two, that does not necessarily mean you are able to perform all of your job duties. If you have a physically demanding job or one that involves manual labor, it's important that you avoid taking on tasks that involve major physical demands.

Be sure to ease back into these kinds of job duties slowly, and follow your surgeon's recommendations about when you can resume certain tasks.

How Our Team Can Help You

As you recover, you will have a few follow-up visits with our team. We can offer tips for healing, and will be more than happy to offer you guidance should questions or concerns arise. Our focus in on your wellness.

Learn More About Plastic Surgery Recovery

For more information about plastic surgery and what you can do to improve your healing experience and general sense of wellness, contact our cosmetic plastic surgery practice today. We will provide ample information on post-op care and how we can help you.