Liposuction and Bruising: Patient Info on Side Effects
When the people of Champaign are looking for advanced body contouring surgery, they know that they can count on us for expert care and guidance. Liposuction is one of the most effective cosmetic fat removal options, allowing people to look more athletic and vibrant.
Many patients ask use about post-surgical bruising and how it can be dealt with. Let's consider the issue of swelling after liposuction and offer some sound recovery tips.
About Liposuction
Liposuction refers to a type of cosmetic fat reduction that is performed to make a person appear slimmer, trimmer, and fitter. Thanks to liposuction, select pockets of fat can be extracted from the body, bringing out the underlying muscle tone. Liposuction can be performed on any part of the body, including the abdominal area, the thighs, the upper arms, and the neck.
Keep in mind that liposuction is not intended for weight loss. Only a certain amount of body fat can be safely removed from the body in a single session. Rather, liposuction is a type of cosmetic fat reduction option, targeting certain parts of the body for a limited amount of fat removal.
Why Does Bruising Happen After Liposuction?
Bruising is a reality after any sort of surgery, from medically necessary procedures to elective ones like liposuction. A bruise occurs when the blood vessels in part of the body have been torn or damaged in some way.
During liposuction, a thin metal tube called a cannula is inserted into the skin and used to suction out the fat. As the cannula breaks the skin and is manipulated under the skin, it can affect small blood vessels in the treatment area. This leads to bruising and tenderness in the place where fat has been removed.
How Long Will Bruising Last After Liposuction?
In most cases, the most significant bruising after surgery lasts for about two weeks. Discoloration of the skin in the treatment area can last for up to a month after liposuction, though should fade by the end of that time.
What About Swelling After Liposuction?
Swelling often accompanies bruising after a surgical procedure. This is also part of the body's natural response to trauma and part of the natural healing process. Like bruising, major swelling will typically last for about two weeks. Some residual swelling tends to last for a several weeks after that, with reductions in swelling over the weeks that follow.
How to Manage Bruising and Swelling After Liposuction
One of the best ways to manage bruising and swelling is to wear your compression garment as directed by your surgeon. The compression garment is a spandex sleeve or undergarment that is worn around the portion of the body that has been operated upon. It offers support for the damaged tissues, and helps improve comfort while healing. The use of cold compresses as directed by your surgeon can help as well, and this can similarly address pain and discomfort after surgery.
In addition to compression garments and the use of cold compresses, patients are asked to walk around after surgery to help promote circulation. This improves the healing process and helps prevent blood clots.
Learn More About Liposuction
For more information about liposuction and how it can help you look slimmer and trimmer, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The team at our practice is here to help you look your absolute best.