The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Lower Eyelid Surgery for Under Eye Circles

Dec 15, 2015 @ 11:48 AM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Facial Plastic Surgery

Patients can count on Dr. Stuart Baker, one of the leading plastic surgeons in the Decatur area. He offers a number of great options for facial rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction. This includes cosmetic eyelid surgery (eyelift), which can work wonders for your appearance.

Let's consider the problems posed by baggy lower eyelids and then look at how lower eyelid surgery can help you.

Bags and Puffiness Under the Eyes Can Make a Major Impact

If you have bags or puffy circles under your eyes, this can have a major impact on your overall appearance. These kinds of aesthetic flaws can leave you looking tired, haggard, and much older than you really are (or feel). You might be surprised to learn just how much these bag under your eyes can lead to issues with overall facial aesthetics.

Thankfully there are plenty of options for aesthetic enhancement, one of which involves surgery of the lower eyelids.

About Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery (aka blepharoplasty on the lower eyelids) is performed in order to reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes. The procedure will remove excess fat, skin, and other tissue from under your eyes in order for you to look more refreshed.

Ideal Candidates for Lower Eyelid Surgery

The best candidates for lower eyelid surgery are people who have bags under their eyes or puffy lower eyelids. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from any kinds of medical problems or systemic conditions that would make a facial surgery procedure unnecessarily risky.

Realistic expectations are import for all people undergoing surgery, and ideal candidates for blepharoplasty should be aware of the recovery process as well as the potential risks of the procedure. This helps patients take the recovery process seriously, and reduces risks of serious complications in the process.

What to Expect During Lower Eyelid Surgery

Patients are typically given general anesthetic for the lower eyelid surgery procedure. An incision is made along the lower eyelid just beneath the eyelashes. This helps keep post-surgical scarring minimal and well-hidden.

Through a small incision, the plastic surgeon uses a little bit of liposuction to remove unwanted fat and then makes subtle adjustments to the underlying structures of the lower eyelid and eye area.

What to Expect During Surgical Recovery

Soreness, discomfort, bruising, and swelling are all common side effects after surgery. Patients will notice these symptoms early on, but will also notice that the symptoms become less serious as the healing process continues. Patients will be asked to avoid rubbing and touching their eyes even if they feel irritated. Special ointment for the eyelids and eyedrops may be provided to help address issues with irritation.

The Results of Lower Eyelid Surgery

The results of lower eyelid surgery are routinely quite phenomenal, with the vast majority of patients looking much younger and more refreshed. Scarring is had to notice, and patient satisfaction tends to be quite high given how effective the lower eyelid surgery is for anti-aging needs.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Stuart Baker

If you would like to learn more about lower eyelid surgery and how it can help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Dr. Stuart Baker and his entire team look forward to your visit and helping you look your absolute best.