The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

How to Get a Great Butt - Cosmetic Treatments for the Buttocks

Mar 1, 2012 @ 09:21 AM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

The butt has become, arguably, the most popular body part on women. However, those who do not have a tightly toned derriere may feel self conscious about the appearance of their backsides. Whether you feel your butt is too fat, flat, saggy, or dimply, Springfield plastic surgeon Stuart Baker can recommend a cosmetic treatment to improve these figure flaws.

1) Say Goodbye to Excess Fat with Liposuction

We would all love to be able to work off any areas of excess fat by following a healthy diet and exercise routine. But we also know that it is not always possible to meet our fitness goals and rid ourselves of every last figure flaw.

That is why millions of men and women have undergone liposuction to remove extra fat from problem areas. And with recent advances in liposuction technology, our Springfield liposuction patients experience better results and a shorter recovery period.

2) Get Bikini-Ready with a Brazilian Butt Lift

Plastic surgeons have introduced cosmetic treatments that can enlarge and tighten specific areas of the body. While breast augmentation with lift is the most well known procedure of this kind, the Brazilian butt lift is becoming more popular among patients that want a more pronounced backside.

The Brazilian butt lift procedure is designed to both lift and increase the size of the buttocks. During surgery, fat is removed from another area of the body via liposuction. Next, the fat transfer procedure is used to inject the extra fatty tissue into the patient's buttocks. Areas of sagging skin can also be tightened and lifted to improve the tone and shape of the butt.

3) Want a Shapelier Derriere? Butt Implants Could Be the Solution

Some patients do not have enough of their own fat to spare for the Brazilian butt lift's fat transfer procedure. Thin men and women who want a bigger butt are often better candidates for a butt augmentation procedure that involves use of butt implants. The butt implants are inserted into the buttocks to create a more prominent rear end.

4) The Key to Cellulite Removal – Non-invasive Treatments

The cellulite removal industry rakes in big bucks – despite its inability to consistently provide consumers with good results. Cellulite removal creams, gels, and pills promise to permanently smooth out dimples, but rarely succeed in reducing the appearance of cellulite.

The cellulite removal treatment options that provide the best results are those performed in a physician's office. Cellulite reduction treatments such as LIPOMASSAGE™ by Endermologie®, VelaShape™, and VelaSmooth™ utilize specially designed rollers to firm and revitalize loose skin.

5) Erase Unsightly Stretch Marks – Stretch Mark Removal Options

Scarring from stretch marks is one of the most common figure flaws that affect adults. Caused by changes in body weight, pregnancy, puberty, and weight training, these unsightly scars mark the bodies of many men and women and are nearly immune to most treatments.

There are various natural stretch mark removal techniques that claim to erase stretch mark scarring, but most people find them to be ineffective. However, laser stretch mark removal can result in a significant reduction in stretch mark scarring. During the laser procedure, beams of high-intensity light are aimed at stretch marks, breaking up and disintegrating areas of scar tissue. Over the period of the next few weeks, new skin regenerates in place of the stretch marks.

If you are interested in undergoing liposuction at the practice of Dr. Stuart Baker, contact us today!