The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Breast Augmentation Options

Dec 16, 2011 @ 02:01 PM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

When it comes to breast augmentation, there are several factors to consider. Springfield plastic surgeon Stuart Baker advises prospective breast augmentation patients to learn about the different types of implants, the surgical procedures used to place implants inside the body, as well as the sizes and shapes of breast implants to choose from.

By carefully researching the available implant and surgical options, our patients have a better chance of achieving the sexier, more youthful appearance that they desire.

Types of Breast Implants

Before you schedule your breast augmentation surgery, consider the type of implant you want to use. The two main filler types in breast implants are:

Generally speaking, implants filled with silicone gel are softer and smoother than saline-filled implants. Some patients prefer the more natural feel of the semi-solid silicone gel compared to saline implants. Also, breast implants filled with silicone gel are less likely to ripple.

However, an important advantage of saline implants is that if the implant ruptures inside the body, it quickly deflates and the saline solution inside the implant shell is safely absorbed by the body. With silicone-filled implants, ruptures are not as noticeable. The silicone gel is designed to remain in place; if it does leak out of the implant shell, it happens at a slow pace. In fact, women with silicone-filled breast implants may not notice a leak for a year or more. For this reason, women with silicone implants are encouraged to undergo routine MRIs to ensure that their implant shells have not ruptured.

Placement of Breast Implants

Regardless of which type of breast implant you select – either saline or silicone – another important consideration is the placement of your breast implants inside your body. In general, there are three options for placement of breast implants:

Each placement approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, over the muscle placements are easier to accomplish with surgery, but the edges of the implants may be visible through the skin. Placing the implants under the muscle offers more natural looking results, and a reduced risk of rippling and capsular contracture.

In addition, there are several incisional approaches that can be employed during breast augmentation. The implants can be placed through an incision that is created:

Size and Shape of Breast Implants

An additional factor to consider is the shape and size of the breast implant itself. There are two basic shapes of breast implants:

Round breast implants provide the most natural looking shape, particularly when placed under the muscle. Anatomical implants tend to remain in place after surgery and do not settle back into the chest like natural breasts when a woman lies down. Anatomical implants also tend to retain a more natural teardrop shape when a woman stands straight up.

There is a range of breast implant sizes and profiles available. Our Springfield breast augmentation patients typically try on different sizes during their consultations.

Contact Our Practice

If you still have questions about the different types of breast implants or the surgical approach that would be best for you, we invite you to contact Dr. Stuart Baker. Dr. Baker will evaluate your condition and advise you on the best type of breast implants to achieve the beautiful results you desire. Call Dr. Baker today!