The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Breast Lift Techniques

Nov 21, 2011 @ 12:57 AM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Breast Lift Mastopexy Breast Enhancement Breast Augmentation

There are many different factors that can alter your body shape and the contour of your curves. Weight loss and pregnancy are both big factors to consider. The reason for this is that you may be left with a lot of sagging skin and loose skin. Aging can also be a major factor to consider, as advanced age can result in some degree of sagging and drooping over time. It’s for these reasons that people turn to Springfield, Illinois plastic surgery, which can tighten the skin and improve a person’s overall body shape.

About Breast Lift Surgery

The breasts are particularly susceptible to drooping and sagging with time and weight fluctuations, which is why breast lift surgery is an important surgery to consider. During a breast lift, excess skin and tissue in the breast will be removed to make it much perkier and firmer.

Candidates for Breast Lift Surgery

The best candidates for breast lift surgery are women who have breasts that droop or sag as a result of weight loss, childbirth, and advanced age. These candidates should be in good overall health, suffer no medical conditions that may prevent them from undergoing surgery, and have realistic expectations about what the surgery can achieve. During the consultation, Decatur plastic surgeon Dr. Stuart Baker will assess whether or not it is the best surgery for you.

Surgical Techniques for Breast Lift Surgery

There are different ways that a breast lift can be performed given the unique needs of each patient. Let’s take a moment right now to look at the different surgical methods for breast lift surgery.

Traditional Breast Lift Surgery

During a traditional breast lift surgery, there will be three incisions made. One incision will be made in a circle around the areola. Another incision will be made along the crease where the breast meets the chest wall. A final incision will be made from the areola incision down to the breast crease incision along the lower part of the breast. The shape is much like an anchor.

Variations on Traditional Breast Lift Surgery

In some cases, the level of lift required will not be so dramatic, so fewer incisions will be necessary. For instance, the so-called lollipop technique only requires an incision made around the areola and the incision along the lower part of the breast. Another incision method only requires an incision around the areola. And for very minor breast lifts, it is only necessary to make an incision along the upper part of the areola.

Combination Breast Lift and Breast Enlargement

In some cases, a breast lift will be performed in conjunction with a Springfield breast augmentation surgery. Such surgeries will involve the lifting of the breast as well as the placement of breast implants. Doing this will increase the volume of the breast and also enhance the overall firmness and perkiness of the breast.

Learn More About Breast Enhancement Surgery

If you would like to learn more about breast lift surgery and if it is the best option for you, contact Decatur cosmetic surgeon Dr. Stuart Baker today. During your consultation, he will be able to go over all of the risks and benefits that you may face during the surgical process.